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Everything You Have to Know About the Turbo Diamond Saw Blade

Sep. 11, 2021

Everything You Have to Know About the Turbo Diamond Saw Blade


As a turbo diamond saw blade supplier, I’d like to share it with you.


The Working Principle of the Turbo Diamond Saw Blade

It is important to understand the working principle of all turbo diamond saw blades.

Its basic principle is that the larger the tooth, the larger the gap between the teeth, the rougher the cut. The teeth of the turbo diamond saw blade are smaller, and the gap between the teeth is smaller. This allows the blade to cut the stone more smoothly, resulting in a better finish. People like turbo diamond saw blades because they can cut stones more smoothly.


Turbo Diamond Saw Blade Cutting Method

Wet cutting or dry cutting are used for stone cutting. The two tailoring styles are quite different. Wet cutting uses a constant stream of water to remove debris from the area and keep the surface at a cool temperature so that the blade does not overheat. Dry cutting is cutting stone like ordinary wood. For stone cutting and tile cutting, the goal is simple. There is excess material that needs to be trimmed to fit the opening. Wet cutting is more popular because it is easier on the blade and all dust is washed away.


Different Types of Turbine Diamond Saw Blades

Another essential piece of information to know is the different types of blades. The blades are either Segmented Rim, Turbo Rim, or Continuous Rim.

Segmented Rim: This is the larger blade, and it does rougher cuts, so if you need a blade that will go through stone and you do not care about the finish, this is the blade for you. It is quick and easy to use.

Continuous rim: this blade is the one that produces the best cut but also cuts the slowest and should only cut on the most delicate of jobs. The blade is excellent for these types of cuts that are supposed to be smooth, clean stone.

Turbo Rim: This is the blade designed to be more fine-tuned. This blade’s use includes water cuts, and in fact, that is the recommendation. This blade’s design yields a slower cut, so that means the cuts are always smoother.


The Advantages of Turbo Diamond Saw Blade

There are many reasons why turbo diamond saw blades are more popular. The biggest reason is that this blade can get a beautiful smooth cut without spending too much time. In terms of how the work is done, efficiency is very important. It works very efficiently.

The key to knowing which blade is right for you is to understand how many teeth and cogging space are in the blade. The more teeth and the smaller the space, the smoother the blade can cut.

The turbo diamond saw blade is between the segmented and continuous edge saw blades. This makes it possible to cut efficiently while saving time.


Our company has the turbo diamond saw blade for sale, welcome to consult!

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